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Get unlimited digital access. Try it now for ONLY $0.99. Local News Palm Beach County News Boynton Beach News Redevelopment proposal in Boynton Beach hits roadblock

Ocean Breeze East, a vital development to jump-starting the revitalization of the Heart of Boynton neighborhood, is back to the drawing board. Ocean Breeze East is the second phase of a Heart of Boynton redevelopment project, which includes retail space, a medical office, office space and 200 rental units on a 4.5-acre lot on the…


City Hall gets board funds

The Bight Management District Board has agreed to hand over $1.3 million from its reserves to the growing construction budget for the new City Hall in Key West — now pegged at $18.8 million. The vote Wednesday evening was 4-2 in favor. A tie vote would have meant the motion failed. The seven-member board is…


2014 Florida Bicycle and Pedestrian Partnership Council’s Annual Report

We are pleased to provide you with the 2014 edition of the Florida Bicycle and Pedestrian Partnership Council’s Annual Report. The Florida Bicycle and Pedestrian Partnership Council was established in 2010 as a statewide initiative on bicycle and pedestrian mobility to make policy recommendations to partner agencies and organizations throughout Florida on walking, bicycling and…
