Manatee County Southwest Sector Still Needs Redevelopment, Affordable Housing

During the recession, southwestern Manatee County experienced plummeting property values as businesses closed and homes went into foreclosure. After the recession, values there were slower to recover than in eastern suburban areas where construction and property sales resumed. Today, numerous commercial properties on major thoroughfares remain vacant in Southwest Manatee and some neighborhoods are still…


Senator Jack Latvala to Speak at Florida Redevelopment Association Annual Conference

One of Florida’s top leaders and expected gubernatorial candidate, Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, is set to speak during the annual conference of the Florida Redevelopment Association – a statewide organization dedicated to assisting Florida professionals and volunteers in community revitalization efforts. Latvala’s plenary session will start at 11 a.m. on Thursday, October 19, and cover…


Sweeping changes to the Community Redevelopment Agencies is not the answer

Hernando Sun More than 220 CRAs operate in Florida. These are local initiatives, authorized under state law, that allow communities to target blighted areas for redevelopment. The money comes from something called “tax incremental financing” – basically, the agency captures any increased tax receipts arising from business growth attributable to its investments in the targeted…
