MICHAEL BEEDIE: Let CRAs continue improving communities across Florida

Michael Beedie Northwest Florida Daily News April 21, 2019 Despite the benefits that community redevelopment agencies (CRAs) provide to cities across Florida each day – from public safety to infrastructure improvements – these agencies are widely misunderstood. This legislative session, bills have been filed in the Florida House and Senate (CS/HB 9 and CS/SB 1054)…


Riviera Beach CRA Marina Village Events Center Awarded LEEDS Certification for “Green” Design

Mark Cleary, lead architect on all Phase I projects at the Riviera Beach Marina Village, has announced that the Marina Events Center has been awarded a Silver LEEDS Certification. LEEDS, an acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. LEEDS provides a globally…


Friday’s letters: Let community redevelopment agencies continue to do their good work

Philip Garrett Tampa Bay Times April 5, 2019 Legislation proposed in the Florida House and Senate is threatening the revitalization of communities across the state of Florida. HB 9 and SB 1054 aim to impose crippling limitations in an attempt to impede the creation of new community redevelopment agencies (CRAs) and eventually eliminate existing CRAs…


Want to Address Food Insecurity in Your Community? There’s an App For That.

Every month, food delivery trucks pull up outside Allegheny County Housing Authority housing units and wait for volunteers to open the doors and begin unloading boxes of goods. It’s mostly produce—cucumbers, green peppers, apples, heads of cauliflower and broccoli. Some have minuscule bruises, others are in good condition but slightly past their sell-by (not expiration) dates. It’s…


Republicans want to overhaul redevelopment agencies that help rebuild blighted areas

Mitch Perry Florida Phoenix March 22, 2019 For the past two legislative sessions, state Republicans have tried to overhaul what’s called Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) that finance improvements in blighted areas. The measures haven’t passed, but now there’s a new attempt in the Legislature that’s gaining traction. State Rep. Chris LaMarca, a Republican from Broward…


Overtown CRA seeks extension

All seem to agree that Overtown has made admirable progress as it emerges from past public and private neglect and that much of that progress can be attributed to the area’s community redevelopment agency. As the historically Black neighborhood continues to overcome inherent socio-economic challenges, residents agree that they want to see the life of…
