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Lakeland CRA – Midtown District Redevelopment Plan Update

The City of Lakeland is seeking responses from qualified and experienced firms to provide professional services related to the modification of the Lakeland CRA Midtown District Redevelopment Plan which includes an in-depth analysis of existing conditions, performance measures, updated goals and objectives, and a 10-year extension of its existing timeframe past 2031. Midtown, with its…


United States Postal Service Boynton Beach Downtown Station Project

Request for Proposals and Developer Qualifications for the United States Postal Service Boynton Beach Downtown Station Project RFP Number:21-07 Start Date:09/30/2022 Pre-submission Meeting Date: 10/19/2022 at 4:00 PM Close Date:11/29/2022 at 2:00 PM This RFP/RFQ is being issued for a project known as the United States Postal Service Boynton Beach Downtown Station Project and is…


Arts in Public Places for RIVERVIEW6, in Downtown Bradenton, FL

OVERVIEW Housing Trust Group seeks to identify firms or individuals with qualified experience to provide Public Art services to create site specific original artwork as part of the enhancement of the public streetscape in the City of Bradenton, FL. The planned location for this art work is on the exterior façade of a new affordable…


Marketing, Branding & PR Consultant Services – NW 79th Street Corridor CRA

The CRA is soliciting responses through this Request for Proposals (RFP) from a qualified firm (Proposer) or a combination of firms (Proposers) for branding and marketing services to: stimulate new investment and job growth; promote the CRA, its communities, businesses and competitive strengths; inform businesses regarding the CRA’s grant, incentive and investment programs; promote the…
