CRAs are driving investment, improving lives and creating jobs in South Florida

All across South Florida, civic advocates and Community Redevelopment Agencies are partnering with investors to turn aging neighborhoods into vibrant economic centers. CRAs help developers get deals done by identifying available land or providing financial incentives for projects that benefit the area and its residents. CRA-backed redevelopment transforms spaces, revitalizes places, creates millions of dollars…


Community Planning Technical Assistance Grants

Community Planning Technical Assistance Grants The Department’s Bureau of Community Planning application process is currently open through June 6, 2014. Purpose Funding was requested to assist counties and municipalities in meeting the requirements of the Comprehensive Planning Act, addressing critical local planning issues, and promoting innovative planning solutions. This will be an annual funding cycle.…


Brownfields bills moving through Legislature as one-time boost in tax credits is sought

Bills that would extend liability protection for the clean up of contamination sites known as “brownfields” are moving through the House and Senate. Bill supporters, including the Florida Brownfields Association, also are asking the Legislature to boost a $5 million annual tax credit for cleanups to reduce or eliminate what was a $14.7 million backlog…
