Palm Beach eyesores in West Palm Beach

There’s an eyesore of a building near downtown West Palm Beach at the intersection of Dixie Highway and Quadrille Boulevard. It’s a flan-colored bunker that appears to be abandoned. No ownership signs are on the exterior, only multiple signs attached to the 6,837-square-foot warehouse to warn motorists that “violators will be towed at owners expense”…


4th Annual Southwest Florida Brownsfields Redevelopment Symposium to be held in Sarasota

SARASOTA, Fla. – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s South District, in partnership with the city of Sarasota, the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council and Visit Sarasota County, will hold an educational symposium about the environmental and economic benefits of brownfield redevelopment on June 8 and 9. The annual symposium will share information about Florida’s Brownfields Redevelopment Program, which…
