US EDA Triple Bottom Line Tool

The Triple Bottom Line Tool helps optimize investments for economic, environmental, and social impact – what’s referred to as the triple bottom line or TBL. Investors, economic development professionals, and decision-makers can use the TBL Tool to: Design economic development investments for maximum returns Consider an economic development investment’s impact on various factors Compare or…

Florida Main Street Conference – Sept: 12-14

Florida Main Street Conference – Sept: 12-14 Conference Overview FMS and Downtown Dade City Main Street invite you to attend the 2012 FMS Annual Conference and Awards Dinner, September 12-14, 2012. Located in downtown Dade City, the conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to experience this fabulous Main Street Community. The 2012 Florida Main…

Florida Energy Survey – Everyone Invited

Florida Energy Survey – Everyone Invited The Florida Regional Planning Councils in association with the U.S. Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, and the Florida Office of Energy are identifying strategies to diversify Florida’s energy future and reduce reliance on foreign energy sources. Increased domestic energy usage means domestic jobs. We have created two…