City studying possible redevelopment areas

City studying possible redevelopment areas By Susan Latham Carr Published: Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 10:05 p.m. Last Modified: Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 10:05 p.m. The city of Ocala will be studying targeted areas largely along major gateway corridors to determine if those locations could qualify as a Community Redevelopment Area, which provides a…


Small businesses embody the spirit of innovation, entrepreneurship, and individual initiative that made this country prosperous. Today, small businesses represent the survivors of some of the most challenging economic times in decades and are the innovative leaders of continuing progress. However, as Florida recovers, the small business community is disproportionately struggling to obtain the necessary…

Sebring CRA picks Hinote as director

Sebring CRA picks Hinote as director By Robin Hinote Published: December 12, 2012 Updated: December 12, 2012 – 2:13 PM SEBRING — Robin Hinote gets to remove a word from her title. Hinote, who was selected as the acting executive director after Pete Pollard retired in February, was given the permanent job on Monday. “The…

City to ‘re-set’ CRA to spur growth

City to ‘re-set’ CRA to spur growth By Angela Daughtry, News-Leader City commissioners, after listening to recommendations from the city’s CRA Advisory Board, conceded Tuesday that the base year of the special taxing district should be reset. They also agreed repairs should be made to the railroad crossings at Centre and Ash streets to improve…

CRA working on Millville grocery

CRA working on Millville grocery By ZACK McDONALD / The News Herald December 8, 2012 PANAMA CITY — Residents of Millville can expect a new community grocery — provided the owner can find “willing bankers,” according to Community Redevelopment Agency officials. “We’re trying to get it (Millville) to be an attractive place for investment again,”…