Roadmap to Florida’s Future: Statewide Strategic Plan for Economic Development

Roadmap to Florida’s Future: Statewide Strategic Plan for Economic Development In this global economic crisis, diversifying Florida’s economy is more compelling than ever and the statewide strategic plan for economic development is more relevant than ever.  By statute, Enterprise Florida produces the statewide strategic plan for economic development, Roadmap to Florida’s Future, on behalf of…

FRA in the News – Palm Beach Post

Downtown trolley now award-winning downtown trolley by Andrew Abramson A trolley ride from CityPlace to Clematis Street just became more prestigious. The Florida Redevelopment Association honored West Palm’s Downtown Development Authority with the “Annual Award for Project Excellence in Transportation Enhancement.” West Palm was one of numerous cities around the country last decade to receive…

Maximizing Tax Increment Financing

Tax increment financing is a unique tool available to cities and counties for redevelopment activities. It is used to leverage public funds to promote private sector activity in the targeted area. The dollar value of all real property in the Community Redevelopment Area is determined as of a fixed date, also known as the “frozen…

What’s the buzz about Boynton Beach?

The Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has teamed up with developer Cornerstone Group to include affordable housing at The Preserve, a new master-planned luxury condominium and townhome community under construction in Boynton Beach. Through the joint financing effort, income-eligible buyers can qualify for as much as $160,000 in financial assistance on a condo or…