Small Incentives are Big in Lakeland

Maybe it’s the $15,000 matching grant for new restaurants or the success of the Red Door Wine Market on South Tennessee Avenue. Whatever the reason, something is happening in Dixieland. Three new restaurants are moving to the area in the next several months, alleys have been bricked and repaved, and businesses have been renovated. There’s…

West Palm Beach CRA in High Gear

You’ve heard the buzz and it’s getting louder!! The West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is in high gear as it moves forward with the development of LOT 23, an art-centric, neighborhood-scale artist colony. The project area is adjacent to Northwood Village and is located in the Pleasant City Community. At build-out, the project…

Commissioners Want to Create Enterprise Zones Throughout Polk County

Commissioners Want to Create Enterprise Zones Throughout Polk County By: Tom Palmer THe LEDGER County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to pursue approval to establish an enterprise zone in unincorporated Polk County. The vote follows approval of resolutions from other Polk cities seeking similar designations. County Attorney Michael Craig said the exact boundaries of the enterprise…

March 2012 is CRA Awareness Month

March 2012 is CRA Awareness Month How much do you know about the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency? Chances are you’ve seen a lot of the CRA’s work without even realizing it. That’s why the agency is beginning a new community outreach campaign that kicks off with CRA Awareness Month in March. The CRA’s mission…

Public-Private Partnership Q&As

Public-Private Partnership Q&As Why should governments turn to the private-sector to help perform services they have traditionally handled themselves? Actually, public-private partnerships have been in existence since long before the Revolutionary War. In 1652, the Water Works Company of Boston was the first private firm in America to provide drinking water to citizens. Today, creative…

Local Government Economic Development Tools Creating Jobs and Growing Our Economy

Local Government Economic Development Tools Creating Jobs and Growing Our Economy Presentation commissioner la marca ed tools 01 11 2012 View more presentations from FloridaRedevelop. Learn about the various tools available to local governments for economic development and redevelopment financing. Specifically, this presentation focuses on productive public-private partnerships and innovative ways our community is attracting,…