OUR VIEW: Don’t use CRAs to second-guess cities

Like parents who fret when they hand the car keys to their teenage children, county governments are understandably loathe to let go when they approve Community Redevelopment Areas for municipalities. Given the amount of money involved, it’s appropriate for counties to ensure the CRAs are effectively targeted and properly managed. But they shouldn’t become back-seat…

No big project yet for Main Street site

SARASOTA – Developer Christopher J. Brown said Thursday he has no immediate plans to build on a Main Street site he recently acquired where a 15-story condominium tower was proposed a decade ago. Brown bought the 0.3-acre property, near the corner of Main Street and Pine Place, for $1 million from Kansas City Life Insurance Co.…

DIB to pay off city debt

PANAMA CITY — Panama City Downtown Improvement Board has laid out a plan to pay off its debt. The DIB will pay $20,000 using the $55,000 loan granted from the city in March and then pay $5,000 each proceeding month, eventually out of DIB funds. Chairman Jim Hayden said they are hoping to have the…

FLC Summit Series – CRA Basics and Beyond

Want to learn more about the, who, what, when, where, and why of CRAs? How to use them to support economic development or redevelopment projects in your city? This is an introductory course especially designed for elected and appointed officials, including CRA Board or Advisory Board members. We cover the basic legislative, legal, reporting and…

Report: Downtown condo market to cool down

A new study confirms the latest chatter from real-estate watchers: Miami’s sizzling downtown condo market is cooling down. Skyrocketing construction costs, overheated land prices and falling foreign currencies have finally caught up with a housing market that boomed after the lean years of the recession. But unlike the last go-around, when highly leveraged projects brought…

Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) Created by Cities Need to Stay in the Hands of Cities

CRAs drive investment, improving lives and creating jobs right in the neighborhood. Carol Westmoreland, Florida League of Cities cwestmoreland@flcities.com Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAS) are incredibly successful tools for breathing new life into areas that have been forgotten- the “ghost towns” in the centers of our cities.  They uniquely gather all the participants in the urban…