Redevelopment wave to hit Coral Gables

Until now, Coral Gables — unflashy, uncool, a Mediterranean-themed bastion of affluent suburban stolidity — seemed a bulwark against the wave of redevelopment that’s swept through neighboring Miami and Miami Beach, turning derelict areas from South Beach to Brickell and Midtown into dense urban enclaves a-glitter with the young and hip. Not that anyone in…

Contest Seeks Downtown Lakeland Images

The Downtown Lakeland Partnership is hosting a T-shirt contest to see which Lakeland resident can capture the essence of downtown Lakeland in an image for new merchandise. The image needs to be something that is immediately recognizable as downtown Lakeland for items such as T-shirts or coffee mugs, according to the Downtown Lakeland Partnership website.…

Project changes future of downtown Pensacola

The $10 million, 55,000 square-foot building for the University of West Florida’s Center for Entrepreneurship proposed for Community Maritime Park joins a slew of new projects under construction or planned for downtown Pensacola, marking a building renaissance for the City of Five Flags. The projects include a new downtown YMCA, Beck Property Company’s multi-use building…

Waiting for development in DeBary

Transportation planners have always envisioned the SunRail station in DeBary as a magnet for economic development, much the way other depots along the train’s route through Seminole and Orange counties have attracted billions of dollars in new projects. Unfortunately, it could use some juice. A year after the commuter rail service began in the rural…

Downtown tax district may annex Rosemary

SARASOTA – The Rosemary District, having already proved itself attractive to developers, now has the attention of downtown business owners. The Downtown Improvement District, an association of commercial property owners in Sarasota, is laying groundwork to annex the Rosemary District into its territory. That move would roughly double the area of the DID special taxing…