Chipley CRA ends Steering Committee Meetings, Moves to Surveys

Meeting Jan. 10th at the Wausau Town Hall Florida League of Cities representative Mark Sitting presented former Council member and Mayor Roger Dale Hagan a plaque commemorating Hagan’s 25 years of service as a Wausau council member. Following the presentation, Judge Colby Peel swore in re-elected council member B. J. Phillips and newly elected council members  Marlene Blount and Kerry Collins. The…

Former Escambia County School District Key for Downtown Redevelopment

Months after the initial steps were taken to convert a defunct multi-parcel property in downtown Pensacola into a viable structure, the site’s owner and prospective buyer await further environmental remediation of the land before its redevelopment can push forward. The additional cleanup delays the site’s use, but the property could eventually play an integral role in transforming the west side of…

Bradenton – Work on Downtown Streetscaping Project Could Begin in Spring

The Bradenton City Council, acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, released a request for qualifications on Wednesday that moves a downtown streetscaping project forward. Conversations about upgrading the appearance of the Old Main Street corridor, which also includes 11th and 13th streets west, began last summer. Bradenton Downtown Development Authority board member Mike Carter said…

Stormwater management site expected to be catalyst for Clermont economic development

CLERMONT — City leaders are putting the first building block in place for an economic-development plan expected to generate millions of dollars. Victory Pointe, an estimated $8.6 million stormwater management site combined with an ecological public park and event space, likely will go out for construction bids soon, city staff said. Groundbreaking is expected in…