Planners want facelift for aging part of U.S. 1 in south Melbourne

MELBOURNE — Driving north on U.S. 1 from Palm Bay, motorists enter an aging commercial corridor peppered with shuttered buildings and industrial vistas of asphalt and concrete. Melbourne officials aim to improve this view. They envision a mile-long streetscape project featuring brick-paver crosswalks, bike lanes, landscaped medians, sidewalks and shade trees such as Southern magnolias…

Locals tour area cities with CRA

Live Oak — The local Extension Office and the Live Oak Community Redevelopment Agency teamed up with dozens of locals for a bus tour to three different regional cities to learn about a range of projects completed through their CRAs and how the community at large has benefitted from them. About 30 people attended the…

St. Petersburg readies for three brew pubs

ST. PETERSBURG — While the Tampa Bay region is considered the heart of Florida’s independent brewing scene, St. Petersburg has no craft breweries to call its own. After years of planning, working with city officials and searching for the right space, though, three breweries plan to open downtown this year. The friendly competitors will appeal…

Request for Qualifications – South Miami CRA

Request for Qualifications The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (“SMCRA”) is requesting Letters of Interest and Qualifications concerning the design and construction of a mixed-use, affordable housing redevelopment project in the City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Area generally located just south of SW 64th Street, between SW 59th Place and just West of SW…

Mount Dora says ‘no’ to tall buildings

The Lake Dora waterfront will not have 60-foot-tall buildings anytime soon. Following a public hearing attended by several hundred people Thursday night at the Mount Dora Community Building, city officials have decided that allowing building heights of up to 60 feet at the lakefront wasn’t a good idea. Many residents shunned the idea, and two…