Commission Decides Against Inwood CRA

BARTOW | County commissioners rejected the idea Friday of forming a Community Redevelopment Agency in the Inwood area. County Commissioner Ed Smith proposed the idea as a way to raise funds to fix infrastructure problems and to combat blight in this largely residential area between Winter Haven and Auburndale. [See Full Article]

City agrees to borrow $13 million for marina

PANAMA CITY — Commissioners approved a $13 million loan to finance the Marina Redevelopment Project during Tuesday’s meeting. The vote will effectively put the city more than $15 million in debt to SunTrust Bank. However, officials were confident the funds will ultimately benefit the city. “There’re wants and needs,” said Mayor Greg Brudnicki. “Most of…

Delray Beach Completes Downtown Gateway Feature

DELRAY BEACH COMPLETES DOWNTOWN GATEWAY FEATURE CRA to hold March 14th ribbon cutting to commemorate unique public art installation DELRAY BEACH, Fla.—The Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency is holding a public ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 10 a.m. to commemorate the completion of the Gateway Art Feature at the western entrance…

Is Cocoa Beach parking plan recharged?

COCOA BEACH — Thousands of sunshine-seeking tourists and beachgoers are streaming downtown this weekend to bask in summer-like heat, clogging parking spaces and lots. They’re cramming vehicles into metered spaces. Pay-by-kiosk lots. Grassy pay lots manned by attendants. And alongside green curbs dating to last summer’s ill-fated pay-by-phone program. Downtown parking remains a perennial issue…