Senior Planner: Redevelopment Management Associates

Organization: Redevelopment Management Associates Annual Salary: $50,000 – $85,000 DOE Apply To: This highly responsible, professional mid-level Senior Planner, under general supervision of the Department Director, is responsible for writing text-based documents, including specific plans, master plans, design guidelines, strategic plans, and feasibility studies. Responsibilities also include presentation graphics, base mapping, land use planning,…

First Commercial PACE Project Funded By The Florida Green Energy Works Program; Project Pipeline Proves Demand For PACE OpenMarketplace

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., May 9, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — The Florida Green Energy Works program has funded its first commercial deal – and it is a perfect example of how PACE or ‘Property Assessed Clean Energy’ can spark sustainable investment in our communities. The $45,000 retrofit is of a family-owned business property at 1101 North Tamarind in West…

St. Augustine, Fla., Mulls Streetcar

St. Augustine, Fla., is considering a narrow-gauge heritage streetcar operation, roughly paralleling U.S. Route 1 and linking several traffic generating sites within the municipality. The proposal, first disclosed publicly this spring by Historic City News website, is being aided by a so-far unnamed designer of track and overhead wire systems. Last September the St. Augustine…

Lakeland Downtown Proposals in the Works

LAKELAND | Develop­ment of the 14 acres near the Lakeland Police Department that city officials took by eminent domain and then left sitting after the 2008 recession could soon be back on track. Two Polk County developers have submitted proposals to City Hall to turn the blocks into a downtown residential area. But the public…