Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee announced today the winners of the 2019 Florida Main Street Awards. The annual awards program showcases the innovative practices and projects that contribute to the success of local Main Street programs. Two award categories were presented including the Honor Awards, which highlight the very ‘best of the best’ Main Street communities, and the Merit Awards, which recognize outstanding examples of redevelopment and leadership.
‘I am proud to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of the Main Street organizations, team members, local governments and associates that help make the Florida Main Street program so impactful,’ said Secretary Lee. ‘Their commitment to economic development and historic preservation has been essential to the revitalization of Florida’s historic downtowns.’
Representatives from the Eau Gallie Art District Main Street (EGAD Main Street) at the Florida Main Street Awards
Twenty-six honor and merit awards were presented on Thursday, July 25, 2019 at the Florida Main Street Annual Conference in Orlando’s Church Street District.