The FRA is proud to share the 2023 Roy F. Kenzie Awards winners who were celebrated at the 2023 Conference and to acknowledge the exceptional accomplishments of city and county organizations and entities from across the state of Florida in the field of redevelopment and community enhancement.
Congratulations to the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency for their FRA Award for Annual Report for “Delray Beach Annual Report 2022.”
From the Best Book, the Delray Beach CRA explains, “The 2022 Annual Report is an opportunity to educate the public on CRAs, showcase completed projects, and share financial information. Informational tools such as colorful fact bubbles that stand out on the page, the inclusion of staff headshots showing who is involved with that item or project, and multiple QR codes linking to project-specific information create an engaging and interactive report. The staff headshots and photos aid the CRA in connecting on a personal level to the community we serve. The contemporary and colorful design and quick facts allow for easy dissemination of information to the reader.”
Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) and development organizations serve as catalysts for the enhancement of cities and urban areas through redevelopment initiatives. These organizations are overseen by boards that are composed of five to seven members, separate from local governments. CRAs primarily focus on projects and plans that contribute to economic development, stimulate growth, and foster increased community engagement.
To see the 2023 FRA Best Book, visit
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