FMLC Helps Local Governments Fund Projects

On August 23, 2018, the Florida Municipal Loan Council announced the closing of its 27th series of fixed-rate bonds, issuing $7.595 million of bonds. Using the FMLC’s bond program, the Series 2018A bonds were issued on behalf of the City of Bradenton to finance the construction of a public parking garage. Located in downtown Bradenton,…

Advocacy Letter: Please OPPOSE HB 9

Letter from Richard J. Reade, Village Manager of the Village of Palm Springs, to the House Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee of the House State Affairs Committee on HB 9 (LaMarca) / March 5, 2019: Good Afternoon Chariman Payne, Vice-Chairman Rommel and Representative Silvers and Members of the House Local, Federal and Veteran’s Affairs Subcommittee, On behalf…

3 Questions about CRA Legislation

Florida Politics – Sixty Days for 3.4.19 March 4, 2019 Lawmakers are taking another stab at overhauling community redevelopment agencies (CRAs). Republican state Rep. Chip LaMarca, of Lighthouse Point, and Thonotosassa Republican state Sen. Tom Lee have filed legislation that would bring more accountability and transparency to CRAs, which target slum and blight at the local level. The Florida League…

Make your voice heard on HB 9

On Tuesday, March 5, the House Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee of the House State Affairs Committee (scheduled for 1 PM at the Capitol) will consider HB 9 (LaMarca). The way this bill is currently drafted, it would significantly limit the formation and continuation of Florida Community Redevelopment Agencies. Please email or call the…