The City of Pompano Beach CRA is the 2023 FRA Award Winner for “Creative Organizational Development and Funding”

The FRA is proud to share the 2023 Roy F. Kenzie Awards winners who were celebrated at the 2023 Conference and to acknowledge the exceptional accomplishments of city and county organizations and entities from across the state of Florida in the field of redevelopment and community enhancement. Congratulations to the City of Pompano Beach Community…

Christmas Tree Lights up Bridge Street

The Christmas season officially began on Bridge Street with the Nov. 18 lighting of the city Christmas tree. Prior to the event, the Magic of Manatee chapter of the Sweet Adelines serenaded the crowd with a variety of Christmas songs. They sang, “Holly Jolly Christmas,” “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree” and “We Wish You a…

Winter Garden Housing Rehabilitation Grant

HOUSING REHABILITATION GRANT The commission and the Community Redevelopment Agency also approved unanimously to authorize City Manager Jon C. Williams to execute an agreement with the Black Business Community Development Corporation to provide Housing Rehabilitation Grant Administration and Construction Services in an amount not to exceed $240,000. The proposal is for the benefit and assistance…

The City of Groveland is the 2023 FRA Award Winner for “Capital Projects/Infrastructure”

The FRA is proud to share the 2023 Roy F. Kenzie Awards winners who were celebrated at the 2023 Conference and to acknowledge the exceptional accomplishments of city and county organizations and entities from across the state of Florida in the field of redevelopment and community enhancement. Congratulations to the City of Groveland for their FRA…