CCRA celebrates 10 years in Bradenton

BRADENTON — The most visible efforts of the Central Community Redevelopment Agency are about quality of life: smoother roads, less flooding, a new park with facilities galore, and a colorful housing development. But Sherod Halliburton, executive director of the agency that serves south Bradenton, says providing the area better amenities is actually part of a…

DCA posts new links on Community Planning Act

DCA posts new links on Community Planning Act Chapter 2011-139, Laws of Florida (CS/HB 7207ER) Community Planning Act Summaries: Frequently Asked Questions about the Community Planning Act Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, Passages Included in the Community Planning Act (by Florida Statutes Section and Bill Line Number) Sector Plans Rural Land Stewardship Areas Reorganization of…

Ready, Here Come the Boomers

Ready, Here Come the Boomers by Chelsea Weinberg on June 13, 2011 This year, the first of the Baby Boomers turn 65. But this milestone birthday may not be so eagerly celebrated, as our nation realizes the drastic impact this huge generation will have on our communities. Six years ago, the first edition of  “The Maturing of…

2011 FRA Annual Conference [Registration Open]

2011 FRA Annual Conference Event Dates: October 19-21 Event Location: Hilton Orlando FRA 2011 Annual Conference Registration and Hotel Information We will not have online conference registration this year, we apologize.  So please download the event registration form for each attendee and fax to Melanie Howe at 850-222-3806.    The Conference Hotel is the Hilton…

Delray Beach CRA: Community Sponsorship Grant Program

Delray Beach CRA: Community Sponsorship Grant Program The Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency approved new guidelines for its Community Sponsorship Grant Program, which offers annual contributions to local community organizations, at the regular meeting held on Thursday May 26th. The Community Sponsorship Program, which offers grants up to $1,500 a year for programs in the…