Coral Springs Considers Hiring Architecture Firm for New Museum Space in Cornerstone Development

Next up in plans for new space for the Coral Springs Museum of Art in the Cornerstone development: city officials are considering hiring an architecture firm for $303,040 to handle the museum’s architecture and engineering services. City commissioners are scheduled Wednesday to decide on hiring Wannemacher Jensen Architects, Inc. of St. Petersburg for the project. The…

Merritt Island Redevelopment Agency Explores Concept to Create Outdoor-Oriented Pedestrian Merritt Square Mall

In 1970, Merritt Square Mall was Brevard County’s first major retail center with more than 810,000 square feet of shopping, common areas, a food court and six-screen movie theater. Currently the mall features four anchor stores, including JC Penney, Dillard’s, Macy’s, Ollie’s Bargain Outlet and the 16-screen CMX Cinemas. The 82-acre tract that the mall…

Naples Seeks Quick, Green Downtown EV Shuttle Service

To reduce traffic, emissions and parked vehicles, the city of Naples is considering a free electric, micro-transit service to shuttle employees, shoppers and tourists to the downtown Community Redevelopment District.  The seven-member Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board voted unanimously Aug. 26 to ask city staff to seek proposals for a fixed-route pilot program with a mobile…

Lakeland CRA – Midtown District Redevelopment Plan Update

The City of Lakeland is seeking responses from qualified and experienced firms to provide professional services related to the modification of the Lakeland CRA Midtown District Redevelopment Plan which includes an in-depth analysis of existing conditions, performance measures, updated goals and objectives, and a 10-year extension of its existing timeframe past 2031. Midtown, with its…

City of High Springs Announces Call for Projects for Residential Grant Program

The High Springs Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Façade Improvement Grant Matching Program is now open to residential homeowners in the district. After seeing overwhelming success with the CRA’s Business Façade Grant Program, we are proud to announce the addition of a residential grant program. The program is designed to help homeowners revitalize their houses. In…

Lake Wales Breaks Ground on Northwest Neighborhood Sidewalk and Street Tree Project

Lake Wales City officials and residents gathered Friday morning at the intersection of Florida Avenue and F Street in the Northwest Neighborhood to celebrate the upcoming sidewalk and street-tree planting project with a groundbreaking ceremony. City Commissioners, CRA officials, employees, and contractors posed for photos during a groundbreaking marking the start of a million-dollar sidewalk…