2015 Best BookThe 2015 Annual Award winners will be announced at the annual conference ceremony October 22, 2015 at the Hilton Downtown Tampa. We look forward to welcoming our new winners and memorializing them in the Best Book which will be available online after the winners are announced. For tickets to the annual awards event, email Melanie Howe at mhowe@flcities.com and check out the conference program here.

The Florida Redevelopment Association Awards program recognizes the best in redevelopment in Florida. It is open to any member of the association.

To recognize the projects and people involved in redevelopment throughout the state, three award series have been established. The Roy F. Kenzie and Thomas J. Mills Awards are given for outstanding examples of redevelopment and leadership, respectively, in Florida. The President’s Award is given for

the “Best of the Best,” to honor the best project overall across all categories. A winning entry from the Florida Redevelopment Association provides an acknowledgment of excellence for the work of an organization.

Winners of the Roy F. Kenzie Award are evaluated on how e ectively their projects demonstrate innovation, positively impact their community and provide applicability to other Florida communities, among other criteria.

Within the 14 juried categories, the Florida Redevelopment Association Awards showcase and celebrate the most innovative and effective redevelopment programs in Florida. The 14 categories of the Roy F. Kenzie Awards are: President’s Award; Annual Report; Capital Projects & Beauti cation; Creative Organizational Development & Funding; Cultural Enhancement; Fiscal Impact Study; Management Programs & Creative Partnerships; Out of the Box; Outstanding A ordable Housing Project; Outstanding New Building Project; Outstanding Rehabilitation, Renovation or Reuse Project; Planning Studies; Promotional Videos; Transportation & Transit Enhancements.

The Best Book highlights this year’s winners and all of the quality entries received to celebrate the innovative redevelopment work transforming Florida every day. The Florida Redevelopment Association encourages you to use the Best Book as a tool to gather innovative ideas and communicate those ideas within your community for they are true success stories.

City of Daytona Beach, CRA/White Challis Redevelopment Co., LLC William Square

More info: Jack@whitechallis.com

William Square is an urban block development located in downtown Daytona Beach. William Square provides 15 mixed-use city homes with ground-floor commercial uses that allow individual owners to have true live-work units or to lease out the ground-floor commercial space to third parties. The project is specifically designed to the pedestrian scale and architecture of historic downtown Daytona Beach.

North 22nd Street Beauti cation and Street Enhancement Project

More info: ed.johnson@tampagov.net

The North 22nd Street project was the number one priority for the East Tampa community in the Community Redevelopment Plan and Strategic Action Plan. This project incorporates the following Livable Community features: continuous sidewalks, multi-modal trail, improved bus stops and shelters, upgraded traffic signals, landscaping and decorative art features. The project created an aesthetically pleasing identity marker and gateway into the community.

La Joya Villages

More info: etheodossakos@lakeworth.org

Earlier this year, the Lake Worth CRA completed construction on one of the most innovative a ordable housing developments in Palm Beach County. The 55-unit La Joya Villages apartment complex was designed and built on one of the main gateways into the city. This project was made possible due to funding received from the federal stimulus program and through partnering with private and nonprofit organizations.