Access to Member-only Content
In order to access the FRA Directory, technical bulletins, best practices, legislative summaries, and more, you must be a member of the Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA).
In order to access the FRA Directory, technical bulletins, best practices, legislative summaries, and more, you must be a member of the Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA).
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If you are having trouble accessing MyFRA or need to reset your password, please email for assistance.
Founded in 1974, FRA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to assisting Florida professionals and volunteers in community revitalization efforts. With its mission of “transforming spaces, revitalizing places,” FRA is committed to providing a forum for its more than 300 members to share knowledge and common experiences regarding revitalization opportunities and issues throughout Florida. FRA encourages adoption of legal and financial tools and programs favorable to community growth and serves as a statewide clearinghouse for redevelopment information.