Downtown has a few main ways it sees targeted improvements: the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Tallahassee Downtown Improvement Authority.
The CRA recently approved $134,000 to go toward Hayward House for improvements.
“I think that it’s a great use of CRA funds, you know,” Chaney said. “Like we are first-floor retail, and we’re really glad that it went through, we will look to continue to kind of improve some of our exterior and the patio space at Hayward House.”
The primary source of revenue for the Tallahassee CRA is tax increment contributions from the City of Tallahassee and Leon County that allow certain taxes made within a specific border to be used exclusively in that area among other smaller sources.
The CRA funds that go towards downtown are part of the Downtown District Community Redevelopment. It’s an area that consists of approximately 440 acres located in downtown Tallahassee. The Downtown District is comprised of five sub-areas.
Read the whole article here.