The High Springs Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) hopes to extend its sunset date to 2046 and voted unanimously to approve a CRA 2023 Plan update, which also includes an expanded designated area. The CRA is responsible for implementing redevelopment activities in specific areas in High Springs.
The original High Springs CRA Plan was adopted in 1986. Discussion and agreements in 2020 with Alachua County regarding extension of the “sunset” provisions set in motion subsequent updates. In August 2021 the board completed a Strategic Action Plan undertaken in March through June of that year.
The High Springs CRA 2023 Plan Update includes an added expansion area that meets the criteria to be classified as blighted. On Jan. 15, 2024, GAI Consultant Community Solutions Group (CSG) Senior Advisor Thomas Kohler addressed the High Springs CRA board to request approval of updates to the CRA Plan.
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