The Public Utility Box initiative, U-Wrap NoMi, will transform conventional utility infrastructure into attractive displays of public art that reflect North Miami’s authentic culture and commitment to the arts. The NMCRA will vinyl wrap digital versions of artworks on utility boxes located throughout the city. The main objective of the program is to allow artists a platform to creatively enhance the North Miami community by transforming a utility box into a piece of art. The theme of the U-Wrap NoMi initiative will be focused on resilience and sustainability, which are essential to the essence of the City of North Miami and, as such, will be reflected through these installations across the city’s 4 districts.
To participate in this opportunity, artists are invited to submit a resume, short bio, and samples of their existing work to be considered, including up to five (5) images and two (2) distinct renderings for proposed artwork. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2023.