Congratulations to the City of St. Petersburg, for winning the 2022 FRA Out Of The Box Award for Sankofa on the Deuces.
Through a first-of-its-kind partnership, the City of St. Petersburg and the nonprofit Sankofa Group are collaborating to co-develop a transformative three-part project on the historic 22nd Street South (aka the Deuces). The project entails housing consisting of new construction of townhomes to be affordably sold to families below 120% of area median income; new commercial construction of Sankofa on the Deuces, a 40,000-square-foot two-building business facility (the subject of this nomination); and funding with a new development fund providing below-market loans and equity to projects on the Deuces, 16th Street, MLK Street and elsewhere in the CRA.
See all the FRA Award Winners at https://redevelopment.net/2022-fra-awards/