Two new buildings have created a big buzz in Delray because they have the potential to help transform empty lots south of Atlantic Avenue into the seaside village’s newest trendy place to live, work and hang out.
Along with the new buildings, which will house offices, shops and lofts, comes a catchy new name residents are starting to use: SOFA, for South Of Atlantic.
Delray’s star attraction, Atlantic Avenue, thrives with throngs of foodies, partiers and shoppers. And while areas to the north are booming, its southern side has lagged behind, struggling to attract development.
The $20 million “SOFA District Offices and Lofts” project promises to splash color onto the now-lackluster lots. It’s two buildings will feature 16,000 square feet of new office space, 5,000 feet of retail shops and 76 lofts for sale on the east side of Southeast Third Avenue, between Southeast First and Second streets.